In which I share some randomness from California.
Tag: Ephemera
Vintage Playboy Ads #3
Wherein we wonder if a waterbed or an air bed is more-sketchy
A “Brochuremap” of Port Lavaca, Texas
In which I take the time machine to Port Lavaca, Texas, in the 1970s
From Awful to Eiffel*
Using “magic” a half-century later to reconstruct the Eiffel Tower
Side By Side in San Antonio
Wherein I make many digressions about architecture in San Antonio
Have You Played Atari Today?
Avoiding evil drones and ion zones
In which I remember using a Sharpie
Remember(ing) the Alamo (City)
The Alamo–symbol of freedom or oppression?
Cable Television, 1989
TV-watching choices in 1989 were limited. And, in some ways, still are…
Las Vegas Hooker Cards: A NSFW Gallery