Eventually, they crossed the border from Canada back to the States at Alcan Border, Alaska.

My supposition is that this sign used to be at this location, but in the intervening 50+ years has been replaced by something a bit more-modern:

There’s another Alaska sign in their set whose location I can’t pinpoint:

There are a few other photos of this sign online according to Google Lens, but, sadly, none mention a location or are geotagged. It could be somewhere near the border crossing or it could be deep in the interior. My guess is that it’s near the border somewhere, but it’s location has been lost to time.
At this point, their route gets fuzzy. Or fuzzier.
We know, based on this photo, that they visited (or at least drove by) Wrangell-St. Elias National Park:

The only route that would’ve taken them through this area is the Richardson Highway, which is Alaska Route 4 for the portion that goes near Mt. Wrangell.
This makes sense, because Rt. 4 leads us to Valdez, which is how we can determine our time period for this journey:

These are sections of pipe stacked in Valdez for construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, which was built from 1974-77 from Valdez, which acted as a staging ground/port, to Prudhoe Bay in Northern Alaska. For my previously-stated timeline, I gave a leeway of two years prior, 1973, as being a lower-bound for dates as I wanted to give some leeway for construction preparation which, I assume, would include manufacturing the pipe in Japan and shipping it to Valdez, where it was offloaded and stored in preparation for construction.

There’s also a photo of Valdez harbor included, which I believe was taken approximately at this location as seen here in Streetview:

Continued on the next page…
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