From there, we can deduce that they traveled the Alaska Highway up to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory for two reasons: 1) it’s the logical route as the only other route to Alaska from Dawson Creek takes you way north and adds a lot of time and, 2), we have a couple of photos that I was able to identify as being of the Miles Canyon Suspension Bridge:
There are also a couple of photos that are of Miles Canyon (map link) itself:
The next two photos are pure conjecture, but I believe that on the road between Dawson Creek and Whitehorse, they stopped at a roadside park near McClintock, YT, to stretch their legs and avoid angering this bear:
I have to admit that my evidence for this is flimsy at best, as they only reasoning I have is that this is the only bridge of this structure with an adjacent, graveled roadside park on the highway I could find:
I’m probably completely wrong, as bridges are replaced and maybe I just didn’t look hard enough, but I’m going to assume, for now, that I’m correct in my deduction.
Continued on the next page…
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