SMU Photo Walk

In keeping with last week’s post, here’s the GPS log from yesterday’s photowalk with our Meetup.Com group Dallas Photo Walk. We had a fairly-short walk on the SMU campus in Dallas. Unfortunately, SMU’s campus is the most architecturally-homogenous university campus I’ve ever been on. Every single building looks the same. And not in a photogenic, interesting way! That, combined with cold, overcast weather, meant that I didn’t come away with too many photos that I’d call “great”, but I will, of course, post some on the photoblog as I get to them (today’s photo is from this walk!).

I still plan on doing a post on how I use GPS logging software to tag locations to my photos, but I’ve been sick and lazy and haven’t gotten around to it!

The highlight, for me, of this photo walk was watching Santiago Calatrava’s sculpture “Wave” undulate in front of the Meadows Art Museum. Here’s a short video I shot with my iPhone:

Questions? Comments? Concerns?