Wherein I decline to give anyone an American luxury car

Wherein I decline to give anyone an American luxury car
Wherein I worry for people that are this gullible.
Wherein I drag something out way too long.
What sports-minded people might call “Inside Baseball” (which literal-minded people know is a cork or rubber center wrapped in some kind of yarn)
Includes a diagram for your amusement!
Wherein I start a new blog that may or may not be updated regularly (probably not!)
Using services like Pixsy, TinEye or Google Image Search (built into Chrome!) to find where your images are being used… Read more Quick Tip: Find Out Where People Are Stealing Your Photos and Bandwidth
I was going over photos from our latest Vegas trip the other night, pondering on how I never seem to… Read more How Big Is ________?
I picked this book up last night and am thoroughly enjoying flipping through the pages and pages of weird and… Read more TASCHEN Books: 1000 Signs