Wherein I acknowledge that the Star Wars prequel trilogy exists

Wherein I acknowledge that the Star Wars prequel trilogy exists
Wherein I geek-out over everyday objects as spaceships
Wherein I cram Blade Runner down into a single image (and don’t mention how, as a kid, I’d get Blade Runner and The Razor’s Edge confused)
Wherein I share my shitty artistic “talent” as it applies to my dogs
Wherein I admit that I sometimes make some stupid shit with Photoshop
Wherein the Swingin’ 70s fly the friendly skies
Wherein my late father brags about his artistic skills from beyond the grave
When I was a little kid, my parents made sure that we went on adventures to see the world, or… Read more Twelve Years of Photos
I started the 75CentralPhotography Photoblog four years ago today. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been four years of… Read more Four Years On…
Check out some of this work here. I want a print of the Pentax one!