We’ve recently introduced a couple of new ways to explore our photos using color.
The first is adding a section on each photo’s page that shows the 10 most-used colors or 5 most-used greyscale tones for that image:
Hovering over each of these will allow you to click the color/tone and explore other photos that feature that same color or tone.
In addition, we’ve added a new tool called the “Color Explorer” that presents the most-used colors/tones in an easy-to-view grid:
As with the palette on the individual photos, these colors are also clickable, leading you to other photos with the same color in common.
As of this writing, color/tone information has not yet been indexed for all photos, so results are limited, but the data should continue to index over the next few days as our tool analyzes nearly 6000 photos for color/tone information.
And, as always, you can find other ways to explore our photos on our Explore page.